You heard the man,
don't trust the internet ...or me I suppose.
Well this is interesting, new at least and almost exciting. I have yet to feel enthused about this whole 'Blog' idea. I was inspired by a friend but that inspiration seems to have fizzled out and died. "Collapsed slowly like a flan in a cupboard," healthy douse of Eddie Izzard for you there. But it is understandable though, there are so many buttons and choices. Do I want colourful font, sparkly pictures, cartwheeling computers? I feel quite perturbed, like a cat that's been given a slobbery dog ball. You know, and then their face wants to go 'ew' but they're sort of stuck on the 'er, why exactly?'
The friend by the way is a wonderful character, dyslexic and proud, beautiful and inspirational with big dreams and a bigger heart. We've been friends for a good six(?) years now and she's always been into the technology stuff whereas I seem to come up with a rash when I get too close to a keyboard. Anyway, I felt that I had let her down by not reading her Blog that she started about a year ago. I only stumbled across it yesterday and felt I should do something about it. This is me doing something about it; I'm going to try and 'follow'(?) her and I'll give ye a link and maybe you, (imaginary and non existent reader), will be able to appreciate it. It's honest, an eyeopener and worth a read.
Anyway, I don't know who I'm expecting to read this, I don't think I want to promote it to my friends. I don't plan on this Blog, (is that meant to be spelt with two g's?), being personal but I like the choice. Also I don't see there being much point in my using this like a diary, so that makes it a gallery of sorts. I have mentioned previously my ineptitude concerning ICT which I why I do not have a deviantART or YouTube account. It would probably be wise for me to attempt to create one but it looks a little complex. I hope this Blog, (sod it I'm using one g), will encourage me to move on and create one and hopefully promote my art and/or music to the rest of the world, rather than raw thoughts.
I think this is more than enough from me as a start for this strange internet phenomenom. Next time maybe I shall attempt to put some of my art or poems or something of interest on here. For the meantime, adieu dearest imaginary reader!
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