Initialy unsure as to the point of this penny collection, I tumbled into this strange and irrational way of revealing my minds views without a clue of where to start. Now I can assure you the aims of this little corner of delusion. These are to become an inspirational reflection of the people, places and things that inflence me, my music and my art. Through my favourite quotes and private ramblings, I wish to express some of the creativity that defines who I am. Do enjoy.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

"The progress of knowledge and refinement has a tendency to circumscribe the limits of the imagination, and to clip the wings of poetry." -William Hazlitt, 1818

Even when all the components and time I could possibly require to complete a moderately simple task are provided;
focusing on said task can still prove to be an impossible challenge.

As a lazy idiot and insufferable delinquent I am typing away here when doing other things would be considered sensible. However, here I am and here's a song that I have been writing that's been specially adapted as a poem for this blog. Let me know what you think.

You tear all of your fantasies down;
As you burn your kingdom and hang your crown
Above the fire, on the mantelpiece
As you turn your back with chilling ease.

Seen stubbornly stalking from Memory Lane;
We all know that it will bring you pain,
But you're kept in the dark as we wave 'Goodbye'
You still don't bother to ask us 'Why?'

You'll spy the wolf waiting on your path,
You'll see he's hungry; patience will not last.
Turn back now, or walk on by,
Either way he'll cook you up a lie.

You venture on with nought but fear,
You shudder and jump at the dark and queer
Sides to your road that you dare not leave;
It takes courage to walk, but more to breathe.

If you lend others your hand, in turn they'll hear
All your woes and will nurse your fear.
They can help you too, so do not hide,
Don't call them beasts before you see them in light.

Learn that chance is not given, it is yours alone,
Allow yourself to be guided, don't rattle your bones
In asking for what you cannot yet have,
Give them time and in turn you'll be glad.

The wolf's eye still glitters out in the dark,
Knowing as ever you've passed off the mark,
Going on now holds your only known chance,
To blindly be led like a knight to his lance.

As you stumble on through your awakening dream,
You find that all is not as it would first seem,
Any warmth is now gone; the lights have been doused,
Look back in caution as you reach ol' Tollgate House.

Ushered up the stairs by those monsters-turned-friends,
You can't help but wonder if you'll see them again,
Alone and palely loitering on the landing you stare
Through the door, across the floorboard to the one by the chair.

The girl holds her chin high to the sky
As she tears down her fantasies, you're begging her why.
Your eyes open wide as she burns kingdoms down,
On the mantelpiece, you see, lies surrendered her crown.

She turns and she catches the look in your eye
As she stalks on out past, you demand to know why.
She is silent, certain, she turns from Memory Lane,
You know then that you won't see her again.

Your tale is full told; a cycle complete
You have yet to find out if you can live in peace.
Now building new kingdoms, forming new towns,
It will take you time though to don a new crown.

But in time you will and again you shall reign,
Older and wiser remembering your pain,
And time and again, the House, you'll remember,
The girl, her crown, the kingdoms, their embers.

And you'll pray for the others who'll question their time,
Try to beat their own fortune, write their own rhyme,
For you walked to the House from your Memory Lane
And you know it's a journey that can't be walked again.

Sunday, 27 March 2011

"Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps it's brain." -Arthur Weasley, Chamber of Secrets

                 You heard the man,
don't trust the internet      

...or me I suppose.

Well this is interesting, new at least and almost exciting. I have yet to feel enthused about this whole 'Blog' idea. I was inspired by a friend but that inspiration seems to have fizzled out and died. "Collapsed slowly like a flan in a cupboard," healthy douse of Eddie Izzard for you there. But it is understandable though, there are so many buttons and choices. Do I want colourful font, sparkly pictures, cartwheeling computers? I feel quite perturbed, like a cat that's been given a slobbery dog ball. You know, and then their face wants to go 'ew' but they're sort of stuck on the 'er, why exactly?'
The friend by the way is a wonderful character, dyslexic and proud, beautiful and inspirational with big dreams and a bigger heart. We've been friends for a good six(?) years now and she's always been into the technology stuff whereas I seem to come up with a rash when I get too close to a keyboard. Anyway, I felt that I had let her down by not reading her Blog that she started about a year ago. I only stumbled across it yesterday and felt I should do something about it. This is me doing something about it; I'm going to try and 'follow'(?) her and I'll give ye a link and maybe you, (imaginary and non existent reader), will be able to appreciate it. It's honest, an eyeopener and worth a read.

Anyway, I don't know who I'm expecting to read this, I don't think I want to promote it to my friends. I don't plan on this Blog, (is that meant to be spelt with two g's?), being personal but I like the choice. Also I don't see there being much point in my using this like a diary, so that makes it a gallery of sorts. I have mentioned previously my ineptitude concerning ICT which I why I do not have a deviantART or YouTube account. It would probably be wise for me to attempt to create one but it looks a little complex. I hope this Blog, (sod it I'm using one g), will encourage me to move on and create one and hopefully promote my art and/or music to the rest of the world, rather than raw thoughts.

I think this is more than enough from me as a start for this strange internet phenomenom. Next time maybe I shall attempt to put some of my art or poems or something of interest on here. For the meantime, adieu dearest imaginary reader!